Use our prompts and tips to spark creativity, break mental barriers and explore authentic ideas. With practical advice, they aid in overcoming challenges, refining your writing voice, and establishing a consistent writing routine, fostering creative growth and self-discovery.
Prompts to get you started:
Go to your shelf, pick up a book, open any page and use the first three words to start a story.
Look out of your window. What is the first thing you see? Write a paragraph describing it. Use all five senses.
Think of the last time you cried, how did it feel? What were you crying about?
A stranger sits down next to you on the bus. They leave a package behind when they get off.
What do you do?
What is planet nine?
You can solve crimes by stepping foot in the crime scene. No one believes you.
You’re on a train. You make eye contact with the person opposite you and experience a deep feeling of love at first sight. What happens next?
You never would have guessed that in forty-eight hours you’d be married…
You’ve been bumping into the same stranger for months. You finally start speaking…
Create a dialogue between two characters who have opposing beliefs.